Showing posts with the label Aquarium FAQ

How long does activated carbon or carbon filter pad last

How long does an aquarium activated carbon or carbon filter pad last? Carbon is…

Do I need activated carbon in my fish tank filter?

Do I need activated carbon in my aquarium filter? & what are the benefits o…

When to clean & replace bio media in aquarium filter?

When to clean and replace bio media in your aquarium filter? Bio media is cruci…

What is the common media used for chemical filtration in aquarium?

What is the most common filter media used for chemical filtration in aquarium? …

Difference b/w Aerobic VS Anaerobic Bacteria in Aquarium

What is the difference between Aerobic VS Anaerobic Beneficial Bacteria in Aqua…

How to introduce guppies to a new aquarium?

How to introduce Guppies to a new fish tank? We should follow a proper way to s…

Can I add ice cubes or cool water to aquarium in summers?

Can I add cool water or ice cubes to a fish tank to lower water temperature in …

Do Glofish Need Light at Night or Do You Turn It Off

Do Glofish Need Light at Night or Do You Turn It Off? Many new & expert f…

Can Livebearers: Molly, Platy, Guppy & Swordtail Crossbreed

What Livebearers can Crossbreed? Can Mollies, Platies, Guppies, & Swordtail…

How to keep beneficial bacteria alive in aquarium filter

How to keep beneficial bacteria alive in an aquarium filter? Fish tanks won’t b…

What Fish Can Crossbreed With Mollies & Guppies?

What Fish Can Crossbreed With Mollies and Guppies? One of the questions that ho…

What aquatic plants are suitable for Angelfish aquarium?

What aquatic plants are suitable for an Angelfish aquarium? Angelfish are ver…

What aquatic plants can grow in brackish water?

What live aquatic plants can grow in brackish water? Aquarium plants do not pre…

How do you filter aquarium without electricity?

How do you filter aquarium water without electricity? Aquarium filters are very…

Fertilized VS Unfertilized Goldfish Eggs

How to differentiate between  Fertilized VS Unfertilized Goldfish Eggs? If yo…

Where should I install bio media in my aquarium filter?

Where should I put the bio media in my aquarium filter? Bio media are fabricate…

Do Shrimp eat poop, algae & debris? Setup No Filter Tank

Do Shrimp eat poop, algae & debris? How to setup a no filter aquarium? Pe…

How Beginner Breeders can Grow & Sell Aquatic Plants

How beginners breeders can grow and sell aquarium plants? Live plants are used …

Java Fern FAQ: Problems with Fern, & how to avoid & fix them

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Java Fern Plant: What are the problems …

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