How to setup an air pump & an air stone in an aquarium:
Air pumps and air stones are used together for aerating water. Fish breathe oxygen, & plants absorb oxygen in the absence of light. Lack of oxygen could be the reason behind the death of fish. Make sure that your aquarium has enough oxygen. You can add oxygen in the water using multiple ways. Either use a powerhead for oxygenating water or add live plants that oxygenate water in the availability of light. One of the common ways of oxygenating water is connecting an air pump to an air stone using an air tube. Air pumps can add atmospheric oxygen through an air tube connected to an air stone. Air bubbles are released from an air stone. These air bubbles when hit the water surface produce oxygen due to surface agitation.
Most of the air pumps have one outlet so there is no need for any assembly. Just connect the outlet to an air stone using an air tube. Modern air pumps offer more than one outlet, & if you are using an air pump that has two or more outlets then I can help you in connecting multiple outlets to a single air stone. You will need an assembly for it.
How an air pump & an air stone oxygenate water?
When the water surface is disturbed, the rate of gas exchange b/w the air & water is enhanced which releases more CO2 & absorbs more oxygen. Air bubbles released from air stone when it reaches the water level bursts the surface & breaks the surface tension. This is how air bubbles released from an air pump oxygenate water.
Do aquariums need an air pump?
The answer depends on the type of fish tank, number of inhabitants & live plants that you have in water. If you have many fish then they will breathe more oxygen & release more carbon dioxide. Oxygen in the water will decrease & CO2 will increase if you are not using an air pump. Air pumps are required to take out CO2 from the water & add oxygen.
How to setup an air pump & an air stone in an aquarium:
In the video tutorial I have explained how to setup an air pump & an air stone in an aquarium. It is very simple to do it if you have an air pump, an air tube & an air stone. But if you want to generate more bubbles then it can be achieved by connecting multiple outlets to an air stone. In this tutorial I have attached two outlets of the air pump to a single air stone.
Step 1: How to attach an air pump to an air stone:
I am setting up an air pump that has a capacity of 400 Liter / Hour using 2 outlets [1]. Each outlet has a 200 L/H capacity [2]. You can choose one of three air flow settings: low, medium & high. My air pump consumes 5.2 Watt of power. Low power means that the air pump will have a low running cost.
It is possible to merge the outflow of two outlets into a single outlet. Use a T shape connector & use two small pieces of air tubes for connecting the T shape connector to an air pump. Connect one end of each air tube to the air pump outlets [2], & another end to the T shape connector [1].
Air stone can be connected to an air pump using an air tube. Attach an air tube to the T shape connector. Connect another end of the air tube to an air stone.
Step 2: Install an air pump & an air stone in a fish tank:
It is easy to setup an assembly for connecting an air pump & an air stone together in a fish tank. Have a look at the video tutorial for better understanding.
I have hidden an air stone using a structure & now my tank looks nice. I can notice a big difference in the rate of air bubbles after changing the setting in an air pump. An air pump & an air stone installation is completed.
Benefits of an air pump & an air stone:
- Air stone reduces the bubbling noise of air bubbles produced by an air pump in the water.
- Air stone generates little bubbles in the aquarium water.
- Air stones can be attached to the sponge filter, decorations or can be used alone to make bubbles.
- Bubbles produced by an air stone release CO2 when they break the water surface tension & dissolve oxygen.
- Bubbles generated by an air stone look beautiful.
- It reduces the growth of bacteria or algae growth in the fish tank.
- Aquarium fish like air bubbles & play with them.
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