How to introduce Zebra Danio fish to a new aquarium?

It is recommended to add a heater to the aquarium & turn on the heater for 24 hours before introducing Zebra Danio fish to the aquarium.

It is recommended to add Zebra Danio fish slowly to their new aquarium. Turn off the tank lights & slowly add your Danios to the fish tank. Introduce your store or online bought Zebra Danio floating bag to the aquarium water. Let the bag float over the water and only introduce Zebra Danio fish when the floating bag & aquarium water temperature becomes the same. Your Zebra Danios will be stressed if their water temperature suddenly changes.

How to introduce Zebra Danio to a new aquarium?
How to introduce Zebra Danio to a new aquarium?

If you have a big aquarium, then adding Zebra Danios 2 or 3 at a time is a better option. Wait for a week or two b/w adding batches. This will lower the disruption to the aquarium water’s chemistry, along with stress on Danios.

It is not recommended to introduce aggressive fish to the Danios tank. Danios are calm fish so they will prefer to live in a community aquarium with no aggressive fish. You can keep other small peaceful fish with Danios.

Though Danios are peaceful, they actively swim in schools. They will create disturbance that will disturb some other fish that love calm water.

Zebra Danio fish may nip fins of other fish especially when they are not kept in a group.

Fish stores can help you in finding compatible tank mates for Zebra Danios. Zebra Danios can be kept with small peaceful fish like Guppies, Tetras, White Cloud Minnows, Live Bearers, Corydoras etc.

It is advisable to select a large aquarium for a school of Zebra Danio fish. If you want your Danios to be happy & active, keep a school of 5 or 6 Zebra Danio fish in a 25 gallon aquarium. You can keep a school of 3 fish in a smaller aquarium however, they may be stressed or aggressive. Do not setup an aquarium smaller than 10 gallon. In addition, Zebra Danio does not prefer to live alone in the aquarium. Zebra Danios are great community fish so you can keep a school of Danios with other small peaceful fish in a community aquarium.

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