Best Betta Fish HD Pictures, Images and Photos:

Betta fish are very territorial, & male Bettas attack one another if kept in the same aquarium or bowl. The fight could end up in the death of one of both Betta. Female Betta fishes could also fight against each other if kept in the small tanks. However, Betta fish can survive in low oxygen levels, & bad water conditions.

Below you can check out HD Photos of Betta fish:

Beautiful Betta Fish HD Image
Beautiful Betta Fish HD Image

Best Betta Fish Photo
Best Betta Fish Photo

Betta Splendens HD Photo
Betta Splendens HD Photo
Siamese Fighting Fish HD Picture
Siamese Fighting Fish HD Picture

Betta Fish Description:

Betta fish are kept in a variety of vessels including flower vases, bowls, & fish tanks. They are highly tolerant to bad water conditions, & low oxygen levels.

Betta fish are known as ‘Siamese fighting fish’ or ‘labyrinth fish’, because they are very territorial fish & the fight between two Betta fish could lead to the death of one individual. The scientific name of Betta fish is Betta splendens.

Male Betta fish prepare bubble nests for their babies using their mouths, & guards the little ones from other fish.

Only Plant roots are not an acceptable diet for Bettas. They are carnivores, which means that they need protein diets. If you offer just plant roots to your Betta fish, then they will live for a while, but as it does not carry the required nutrition, the Betta fish will finally become ill & die.

Do not offer excess food to your Betta fish. Overfeeding Betta fish could lead to higher levels of ammonia byproduct that are released from the leftover food & fish poop. Offer as much food to your Betta fish that it can eat in just 3 minutes.

Bettas usually live alone but they need plenty of water with greenery, & lots of hiding places for a happy life. Make caves from rocks; add live or fake plants, & offer lots of free-swimming space for your Betta fish. Avoid keeping fin nippers in the Betta tank, as it would nip the fins of the Betta. Even though Betta fish can survive without a bubbler, setting up a bubbler will provide abundance of oxygen that will keep your Betta fish in low stress. A filter is also required for keeping ammonia byproducts in control.

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