How to identify, & fix white biofilm algae in an aquarium?
The white film on the substrate could be a bio film. Biological film spreads in the aquarium when there are heaps of bioactivity, & it is not dangerous for fish. If aquarists do not have live aquatic plants, then it is sometimes difficult to control bio film in a freshly cycled aquarium. Bio film is not a dangerous algae, & it grows on stuff in an aquarium. It will disappear without any intervention from aquarists after a few weeks or you can remove it with a new brush if bio film seems ugly. Bio film is not dangerous for fish, & fish can even eat it.
It is recommended to use test kits to monitor water conditions. It will help you in precisely monitoring the levels of toxic chemicals in the water. A completely cycled aquarium has absolutely no ammonia, & no nitrites. If you keep aquatic plants in the fish tank, then they will wipe out ammonia, nitrites & nitrates from the water. Hence, your cycled tank will also have no nitrites if you are keeping heaps of aquatic plants.
How to get rid of bio film from my aquarium?
Bio film will take 2 to 3 weeks in removal from the fish tank but you can speedily wipe it out using a siphon gravel. It is important to monitor water conditions using test kits, as well as how much food you are offering to your fish. Leftover food will speed up the growth of bio film & other algae. You can easily remove bio film from the fish tank by brushing the bio film using a brush, & then use a gravel siphon to suck it when doing water changes.
When I searched on the internet to get tips about removing bio film from the fish tank, I found that the best way to get rid of this algae is to siphon gravel when performing water change. Some experts suggested stirring up the gravel when siphoning water substrate to make bio film loose, & siphon will simply suck it. If you have cycled your aquarium, then your filter is cycled & has heaps of useful bacteria growing over the bio media, therefore removing biofilm from the gravels & performing water change would not affect the colony of good bacteria growing over the filter media.
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