How to Build a DIY Double Sponge Filter With Bio Media:

Aquarium Sponge filters are the most common filters that are widely used by aquarists. They do not suck fish fries, & fries can eat the leftover food attached to the sponges. It is simple to build a DIY sponge filter at home that consists of two inlets. It can efficiently clean aquarium water, & I am making this double bio / mechanical sponge filter for my community aquarium. You can purchase a sponge filter from aquarium shops but if you want to get the best results, then I recommend you make a double head sponge filter that can hold biological media for efficient cleaning. Double Bio Sponge Filter can clean water mechanically & biologically.

Build DIY Aquarium Filter with Double Sponge & Bio Media
Build DIY Aquarium Filter with Double Sponge & Bio Media

Why DIY Double Sponge Filter with Bio Media is very Efficient for Biological Filtration:

A sponge filter is very useful for biological filtration. It offers a large surface that houses heaps of useful bacteria that are responsible for removing toxic chemicals from the water. Also, sponge filters are used for mechanical filtration. Leftover food particles, fish waste & other debris flows through the mechanical filtration media that stops the solid particles, & only allow water to proceed. Water then enters the bio media chamber that breaks down the toxic ammonia after useful bacteria growing on the bio media interacts with the toxins. Ammonia is broken down into nitrites & nitrates. Nitrates are not as dangerous as nitrites, & nitrites are comparatively less dangerous than ammonia. Ordinary bio media can only remove ammonia & nitrites from the water while leaving nitrates. Ceramic rings can remove ammonia, nitrites & nitrates from the water.

Ceramic rings hold both Nitrifying & Denitrifying Bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria uses oxygen to wipe out ammonia & nitrites. Denitrifying bacteria grows in oxygen free places such as inside the pores of the ceramic rings that can remove nitrates.


How to Build a Double Bio / Mechanical Sponge Filter:

I have used 2 clear plastic bottles, PVC connectors & PVC pipe for making a DIY Double Head Sponge filter. I have used Krylon fusion spray paint for painting the PVC parts. Ceramic rings as well as bio bakki balls are used as biological filtration media, & a fine foam is used as mechanical filtration media.

Cut the Bottles:

Remove back of the bottles
Remove Back of the Bottles

Cut back part of the bottles using sharp scissors. For this project, we only need the front part of the bottles.

Painting the Pipes & Connectors:

Painting the Pipes & Connectors
Painting the Pipes & Connectors

Krylon fusion is used for giving a black color to the sponge filter. Sponge filters are not attractive, & many aquarists hide them behind plants, structures or ornaments. This beautiful black paint offers a nice shiny black look to the sponge filter.

Filter Assembly:

Connect Pipes, Tee & Elbow Connectors
Connect Pipes, Tee & Elbow Connectors

Cut a large piece & multiple smaller pieces of pipes. Connect a small piece of pipe to each side of the Tee connector. Connect an elbow to each opposite side of the small pipes. Attach the large pipe to the middle of the Tee connector.  Connect a small pipe to the opposite end of each elbow connector that goes vertically up. Attach a bottle to each opposite side of the small pipes.

Make a Hole in the Sponge Filter for an Air Tube:

Make Hole in the Sponge Filter for an Air Tube
Make a Hole in the Sponge Filter for an Air Tube

Make a hole in the long center pipe for an air tube. The other part of the air tube should be connected to the air pump. A strong suction will be created inside the sponge filter when you turn on the air pump. Hence water will be sucked through the bottles.

Attach Suction Cups to the Sponge Filter:

Attach Suction Cups to the Sponge Filter
Attach Suction Cups to the Sponge Filter

Make a hole in each bottle, & attach a suction cup for holding the sponge filter against the aquarium glass.

Biological Media: Ceramic Rings & Bio Bakki Balls:

Bio Media: Ceramic Rings & Bio Bakki Balls
Bio Media: Ceramic Rings & Bio Bakki Balls

Use both ceramic rings & bio bakki balls as bio media. Bakki balls can only hold nitrifying bacteria but Ceramic rings can hold both nitrifying & denitrifying bacteria so it can remove every impurity. Bakki balls are more efficient in removing ammonia & nitrites than Ceramic rings but Ceramic rings can even wipe out nitrates.

Mechanical Filter Media: Fine Foam:

Mechanical Filter Media: Fine Foam
Mechanical Filter Media: Fine Foam

Use fine foam in each bottle that will only allow water to flow through it & will trap every solid particle.

Setup Double Bio Sponge Filter inside Aquarium:

Setup Double Bio Sponge Filter inside Aquarium
Setup Double Bio Sponge Filter inside Aquarium

Attach the double bio sponge filter to the aquarium glass. Turn on the air pump, & the sponge filter will start cleaning water.

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