Do Swordtail fish need an aquarium heater, lights, filter or air pump & air stone (aerator)?

Swordtail fish are beautiful species & they fall into the tropical fish category that means they need warm water for endurance. Aquarists like Swordtails because they are tough & need simple care. Many new aquarists often ask these questions:

  • Do Swordtail fish need an aquarium heater?
  • Do Swordtail fish need an air pump & air stone (bubbler)?
  • Do Swordtail fish need aquarium lights?
  • Do Swordtail fish need a filter?

How to setup an aquarium for Swordtail fish?
How to setup an aquarium for Swordtail fish?

How to setup an aquarium for Swordtail fish:

Swordtail fish are hardy & can live in different water conditions. They are peaceful & need low care. Swordtail fish do not need a heater in their aquarium.


Do Swordtail fish need aquarium lights?

Swordtail fish need lights at the daytime to eat food & swim but it is recommended to keep little or no lighting at night so they can rest or sleep. Lighting above 12 hours is not recommended because tank lights increase the growth of algae in aquariums, & bright lights can cause abrupt growth of algae.

Offer your Swordtail fish a max. of 8 to 10 hours of lights every day. If you keep lights on for longer periods, then it is risky for the life of Swordtail fish.


Do Swordtail fish need an aquarium heater?

Swordtails need warm water for survival. A heater is required to keep water warm. Swordtail fish need to be kept ideally between 65 to 82 F. If aquarium water temperature drops below 65, then a heater is required. Swordtail fish cannot live in cold water & need a heater for survival.


Do Swordtail fish need an aquarium filter?

Swordtail fish prefer no water movement. If you setup your aquarium without a filter, then Swordtails will be happy, as there will be no turbulence in the water. Aquarists keep many live plants in the Swordtail aquarium instead of adding a filter. Filters remove fish poop & other solid particles from the water that otherwise would rot & foul water. Filters also take out the dangerous chemicals from the water via useful bacteria that grows over the bio media.


Do Swordtail fish need an air pump & an air stone (aerator)?

Using an air pump & an air stone in Swordtail fish aquarium is recommended but not compulsory because there are more ways to add oxygen to your fish tank. Using an aquarium filter for disturbing the water surface, will add oxygen & remove CO2 from the water. Live plants give off oxygen & absorb CO2 in the availability of lights. Therefore, a bubbler is only compulsory if you do not have other sources for producing oxygen.

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