Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic / Aquarium Plant Guide:

Rotala Rotundifolia is a stem plant which means that it will grow up & will reach the top of tanks. It belongs to the Lythraceae family.

Stem size of Rotala Rotundifolia reaches from 15 to 30 cm within 2 months or more, & this plant has long, narrow leaves. It is a hardy plant but if you want red leaves then use high intensity of light. It produces side shoots & becomes dense which stops light from reaching the lower leaves, so you need to trim this plant regularly. Other names of Rotala Rotundifolia are Dwarf Rotala & Roundleaf Toothcup. Rotala Indica is similar to Rotala Rotundifolia.


Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant Origin:

Rotala Rotundifolia originates from Asia which means that it is common in these regions.


Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant Growth Rate:

It grows faster as compared to other aquarium plants. It reaches a height of 15 to 30 cm or more in the aquarium after 2 months. Rotala Rotundifolia needs moderate light intensity. It needs low carbon dioxide.

Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant Guide
Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant Guide

Appearance of Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant:

When Rotala Rotundifolia is emersed, it grows rounded leaves, & when it is submerged, the leaves are narrow lanceolate. Rotala Rotundifolia behave differently to light intensity & water conditions. When you provide high lighting then the leaves of the plant become dark red. It grows pink flowers.

It is a creeping aquarium plant with dark pink stems. Leaves of the plant are round in shape & are attached directly to the stem. Leaves are arranged inversely on the plant stem. It grows flowers on the top of stems.


Tolerance of Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant:

This plant can tolerate cool temperatures as compared to other aquatic plants. When it loses lower leaves then it means that it is not getting sufficient light. You can grow Rotala Rotundifolia emersed in shallow water, & it will grow flowers at the tip of the stem.

Dwarf Rotala grows quickly in aquariums. It can withstand harsh conditions. You can grow it in a wide range of water parameters. It can grow in low light & low carbon dioxide but if you offer enough light & carbon dioxide, then this plant will grow healthy & thick, & will show dark red color.


Dwarf Rotala Plant Water Parameters:

Dwarf Rotala is able to withstand a long range of temperatures but if it is kept between 20 to 28 Degree Celsius then it will grow well in tanks. You can keep Dwarf Rotala in cooler temperatures too.

If pH of your aquarium water is maintained between 6 to 8 then Dwarf Rotala will grow optimally.

Make sure that your aquarium water hardness is kept between 4 to 15 °dGH.


Tips for Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plants:

  • Provide enough tank light for a better color.
  • Do not grow Dwarf Rotala in extreme water parameters.
  • It is a beautiful plant that can be used for aquascaping. When this plant is emersed in water, it grows rounded leaves, but in submerged state, it forms longer, narrow leaves. In comparison to other Rotala plants, it is easy to take care of this plant.
  • Once Rotala Rotundifolia reaches the surface of water, it spreads on the surface & covers other aquarium plants.
  • If you plant stems in an aquarium with high intensity of light & with enough space surrounding it, then they will grow down & creep along the gravels. If you plant them in a crowded region then they will willingly move up.
  • Rotala Rotundifolia is a stem plant which means you can easily propagate it by trimming the stem & replanting it in substrate.
  • There is no need to add fertilizers for better growth of the plant. Dwarf Rotala is able to grow fast even without adding supplements. But still this plant needs supplements that contain iron which helps in growth.
  • Dwarf Rotala does not need additional carbon dioxide, but if you add carbon dioxide then it will help the plant grow faster, bushier & show better color.
  • This plant seems beautiful when kept in the background & midground of the aquarium.
  • If your aquarium contains sand or gravel, then you are still able to grow Roundleaf Toothcup. Use root tabs to offer required nutrition to fertilize the plant regularly.


What is the difference between Rotala Rotundifolia vs Rotala Indica Aquatic Plants:

When Rotala Rotundifolia & Rotala Indica are submerged, they look quite dissimilar. The former has thin leaves that change its color to red when kept in high intensity of light while the latter has rounded leaves that stay green but the stem of the plant changes its color to pink. When both plants are emersed, they seem alike.


How to get dark Red Color:

If nitrates are lower than 5 PPM & phosphates are higher than 1 PPM then your plant will get reddish in color. Also offer high intensity of light for dark red appearance.


How to plant Rotala Rotundifolia Aquatic Plant:

Rotala Rotundifolia is sold in pots. Remove this plant from the pot, disinfect it & clean it with water. Then make holes in the gravels (make sure that you keep a distance of 3 to 4 cm between holes), & plant individual stems in the holes. Distance between the stems will stop the plants from overcrowding.


Fertilizers for Rotala Rotundifolia Plant:

If Rotala Rotundifolia is dosed using liquid fertilizer at the early stage, then the plant will grow healthy. Adding iron & potassium fertilizers will help the plant in better growth & overcome growth related problems.


Substrate for Dwarf Rotala Aquatic Plant:

Roundleaf Toothcup is able to live in nearly every type of gravel. It can grow even when floating on the water surface. My suggestion is to add small granulated soil for better growth. It grows well on that substrate as compared to sand or gravel.

Other substrates that help in the growth of plants include any substrate that has high nutrition, for example ADA Amazonia soil, Seachem Flourite Black Sand & more. It can help Dwarf Rotala to root firmly & keep its beautiful bushy appearance.


Reproduction / Propagation of Roundleaf Toothcup Aquatic Plant:

It is easy to reproduce Roundleaf Toothcup. Just use sharp scissors to remove the upper part of the stem.

Make sure that you trim at least 10 cm long cutting, & make holes in the gravels (ensure that you keep a distance of 3 to 4 cm between holes), & insert individual cutting in the holes, & then cover it with more gravels.


Advantages of Dwarf Rotala Plant in Aquarium:

  • If you want a bushy appearance in your aquarium then my advice is to add Rotala Rotundifolia in the background or mid-ground of the tank because it seems beautiful & spread well without trimming.
  • Rotala Rotundifolia has stunning leaves that are long in size & it will make an abundance of surface for biofilm, which is the best diet for fish & shrimp babies.  
  • It can offer hiding places, & shelter for stressed fish & fries.
  • It can wipe out extra nutrition & nitrates from aquarium water.
  • Dwarf Rotala aerates water.
  • The root system of the plant can assist in breaking up anaerobic pocks in the gravels.
  • Rotala Rotundifolia is able to collect heavy metals so it can treat wastewater.
  • Dwarf Rotala can lower algae growth. It is very greedy in consuming nutrition & can hinder algae.
  • Add algae eater fish to your aquarium if it is possible. Rotala Rotundifolia along with algae eater species will do an amazing job in wiping out algae.


Dwarf Rotala Aquatic Plant Tank Mates:

Dwarf Rotala can survive with many fish species. It is hard, durable & grows quickly which means that fish can’t completely eat this plant.

Check out the compatible species that you can keep in Dwarf Rotala Aquarium:


Compatible Fish:

Add fish such as mollies, guppies, angelfish, swordtail, discus, tetras, platies, loaches, & more. Do not add hostile fish that can eat your plants.


Compatible Shrimps:

Keep any species of shrimps in the Dwarf Rotala aquarium.


Compatible Snails:

Add snails like Mystery snail, Ramshorn snail, Malaysian Trumpet snail, Nerite snail & Japanese trapdoor snail. Certain species of Snails could be harmful so make sure you avoid them.


Avoid Crayfish or Crabs:

Do not introduce crayfish or crabs in a Dwarf Rotala tank. They are hostile towards aquarium plants. They can eat the plant & uproot them. If you want to keep crayfish or crabs then keep floating plants.


Compatible Plants:

If you are looking for well-suited plants then select Anubias Nana, Java Fern, Anachris, & Water Wisteria.


How to fix problems related to Dwarf Rotala Plant:

Leaves of Rotala Rotundifolia might not be able to make enough chlorophyll which is needed for the greenish color or leaves. If your Dwarf Rotala has a lack of chlorophyll then the leaves of the plant may exhibit pale, yellow or yellow-white color. The main reason is that your plant is suffering from iron deficiency. If you want to treat your plant then add chelated iron & make sure that your plant is kept at ideal pH.

Rotala Rotundifolia might show signs of stunting if the levels of nitrates are very low or when the plant is dosed with sufficient trace elements. Also, plants can show signs of stunting if your aquarium water has no or insufficient carbon dioxide. Treat these shortages & use sufficient lighting, & your plant will get better.

If Dwarf Rotala loses lower leaves then it shows that it is not receiving sufficient light. If your plant is bushy then the lower leaves of the plant might not receive enough light. The best way to fix this problem is to prune the upper portion of the plant so that lower leaves are able to receive tank lights.






Other Names

Dwarf Rotala, & Roundleaf Toothcup





Care Level

Very Simple


Dark Green

Aquarium Location

Background, & Midground


Creates a grass-like lawn

Growth Rate


pH Range

4 to 8

Temperature Tolerance

4 to 32 Degree Celsius

Carbonate Hardness

0 to 21°dKH

General hardness

2 to 30°dGH



Can this plant grow emersed?


Can this plant grow submerged?


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