How to attach java fern to driftwood:

Java Fern can be attached to rock & other surfaces. It can grow when it is partially or completely submerged in water. It is a popular plant & hobbyists like to keep them in aquarium. It does not require fertilizers & too much lighting, & it is suitable for beginners. It looks beautiful when it is kept in aquarium. In fish tank, a hobbyist can tie or glue its rhizome to rock or driftwood.

Steps: Glue java fern plant to driftwood:

In this video tutorial I have provided step by step instructions about how to attach java fern to driftwood. I have attached java ferns to 2 driftwoods using glue & have added both driftwoods to the aquarium. If you want to see the video clip of every step, then I recommend watching the video tutorial added below:

Attach java fern to driftwood

Step 1: Buy java fern & driftwood:

I have stolen java fern plants from my guppy aquarium. Also I have bought 2 pieces of driftwoods from aquarium shop. The price of driftwoods is under 20 AUD.

It is strongly recommended to clean anything before adding it to the aquarium. So it is necessary to boil rock, driftwoods & other structures before adding them to the aquarium.

Step 2: Boil driftwood to remove germs & tannins:

Java fern is inside the bucket & driftwood is on the table
Java fern is inside the bucket & driftwood is on the table

First of all, I have boiled the driftwood to wipe out all the germs & tannins. Watch a tutorial about how to prepare driftwood for aquarium use.

Bucket contains java fern plants that I have stolen from my aquarium. I have allowed driftwood to dry before I can use them.

Step 3: Attach big java fern plants first:

Big plant & glue
Big plant is on the left side, & glue I have used is on the right side of above photo

My plan is to find 2 big java fern plants & attach it to driftwood using super glue (non-drip gel). Later I can attach small plants to fill the gaps & cover the complete top surface of driftwood with plants. Multiple ways are available to attach plants to driftwood. In my other video I have used super glue to attach java moss to rock.

In this tutorial I have used non drip gel to attach java fern to driftwood.

Step 4: Glue rhizome of java fern to driftwood:

I have attached java fern to the spot shown in left side photo
I have attached java fern to the spot shown in left side photo

I have discovered spot on driftwood where I can attach java fern. Attaching plants to driftwood can be done in multiple ways & the common method is to use non drip gel to attach java fern plant to driftwood. As long as rhizome is attached to driftwood, java fern can be more stable & can grow properly. The roots of the plants can absorb nutrients from the aquarium.

Step 5: Do not glue java fern roots to driftwood:

Do not glue java fern roots to driftwood
Do not glue java fern roots to driftwood

Do not glue java fern roots to the driftwood because they can absorb fish waste which acts as fertilizers or nutrients & it helps java fern to grow. Non drip gel is used to glue java fern to driftwood & it takes around 30 seconds to dry. I have used glue on java fern & driftwood for proper attachment.

Step 6: Attach all java ferns to both driftwoods:

Attach all java ferns to driftwood
Attach all java ferns to driftwood

I have attached one big java fern to the first driftwood & after successful attachment I have decided to attach another big java fern to the second driftwood. There is a hole in the second driftwood so I have pushed the roots through the hole so that it offers stability to the java fern. Again I have added non drip gel to the driftwood & then I have held the rhizome of the plant against the driftwood. After proper attachment I have begun adding small java fern.

Step 7: Spray on java ferns to keep it hydrated:

Spray on java ferns to keep it hydrated
Spray on java ferns to keep it hydrated

Use spray bottle to spray on the plant to keep it hydrated. Since java fern is outside of the aquarium for a while so I have sprayed water on the java fern so that it can absorb the moisture. I have attached the big java fern plants to driftwood so now it is time to attach the small java fern plants. The same procedure can be used to attach plant to any structure in fish tank. I have followed the same method to attach all java fern plants to driftwood so now it is time to add driftwood to the aquarium.

Step 8: Add driftwood to aquarium:

Add driftwood to aquarium
Add driftwood to aquarium

I am going to add driftwood in gold fish aquarium. Gold fish are messy & in my past I had a bad experience of keeping plants in gold fish aquarium. However, I have read on the internet that it is safe to add java fern in gold fish aquarium, because gold fish does not like the taste of java fern. I have added one driftwood on one end & another driftwood on the other end of the aquarium.

Step 9: Elastic thread is another option for attaching plant to surface:

Elastic thread can also be used to attach java fern to driftwood
Elastic thread can also be used to attach java fern to driftwood

Elastic thread is another option for attaching java fern to driftwood. The thread becomes invisible when it is submerged. I use thread when there is not enough surface to attach java fern to tank structure. Thread can help tie plant to driftwood. There is no need to add fertilizers & light in java fern aquarium. It can do great in most of the conditions.

Step 10: Ask question or give feedback:

It is the end of this tutorial. I hope you have enjoyed it & if you have any question regarding this tutorial then you can ask in the comment section below. We will provide answer as soon as possible. Watch the complete video at the top of this tutorial as every step is thoroughly explained. Also provide your feedback & don’t forget to visit our Youtube channel Fishaholic

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