Top 5 True Aquatic Plants In Aquarium:

It is very easy to add some lush greenery to the aquarium by adding some easy to maintain true aquatic plants. These plants will also keep the ammonia level low in the tank & will provide hiding places to the stressed fish or the fry. A good way to determine if a plant is true aquatic is by removing it from the water & observing the leaves. If they fall over then the plant is a true aquatic plant. In this article I will discuss the top 5 easy to keep & most popular true aquatic plants that doesn't require any CO2 installation, fertilizers & extra ligting in the tank. 
  1. Java Moss
  2. Amazon Sword
  3. Java Fern
  4. Anarcharis
  5. Anubias

Watch how i have setup a nano planted aquarium in below video; plants have grown a lot since then and you could also watch latest video of this beautiful planted tank on my Youtube channel.

1. Java Moss:

Java Moss is used in fish tank for various reasons, & it is a tough plant which can endure a wide range of temperatures. Java moss can offer hiding region for baby fish but it can be used to enhance the beauty of your aquarium. This plant can spread on rock or any other structure. It does not need high lighting & water condition does not have a big effect on them.

2. Amazon Sword:

Amazon Sword can reach enormous size in low lighting aquarium. It is recommended for bigger aquarium. Amazon Sword is a root feeder & need extra root fertilizers. Root tabs are sufficient for them. Amazon Sword is a giant plant & can reach about 60 cm. Aquarium inhabitants love the long leaves because they can provide cover.

3. Java Fern:

It can survive in various conditions. Its leaves are hard & even big plant eaters like gold fish will leave this plant alone. It can even grow in low light. If it is tied to something like driftwood or rock, then it can grow well. They are available in different varieties & their growth pattern & leaf shape varies. A beginner will be able to grow Java Fern but its requirements need to be met.

4. Anacharis:

Anacharis grows too quickly. It can be left floating in aquarium but it can also grow very well when planted. Anacharis seems great in a planted fish tank & can help fight with algae with its fast growth. Anacharis can be used as a source of food & can offer shelter. This plant is recommended for novice due to its hardness, & low maintenance.

5. Anubias:

Anubias likes to live in aquarium with low lighting. Fish that like eating plants do not hurt anubias which makes it a best choice to many types of fish tanks. It can grow well when it is attached to rock or driftwood. It has broad leaves which can provide shelter for fish & allow fry to hide. This plant will love trimming which will allow you to cut some leaves to keep it looking nice.

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