Do Rosy Barbs need an aquarium heater, filter, wave maker, air pump and air stone or lights?

Rosy Barbs are very popular, & they are available at almost every fish store. They are active & peaceful fish, & they are bright in colour. They are one of the bigger fish in the barb family, & they can reach a size of 6 inches in their natural habitat.

Do Rosy Barbs need aquarium heater, filter or lights?
Do Rosy Barbs need aquarium heater, filter or lights?

Do Rosy Barbs need an aquarium heater?

Rosy Barbs prefer warm water but they have high tolerance for cool water as compared to many other fish. Despite their high tolerance for cool water conditions, it is recommended to add a heater in their aquarium for keeping them in ideal conditions.


Do Rosy Barbs need an aquarium filter?

Any filter is fine for Rosy Barbs aquarium such as a hang on back or submersible filter because they offer a high water flow. Rosy Barbs like high water flow therefore turbulence in water is not an issue for these fish.

It is recommended to clean the aquarium substrate using a siphon vacuum every week to wipe out all physical & chemical impurities from the water, & add fresh water that contains oxygen & minerals.


Do Rosy Barbs need an aquarium wave maker?

If your filter has a fast water flow, then a wave maker is not required. However if the outflow of your filter is not fast, then a wave maker will create high turbulence in the water.


Do Rosy Barbs need aquarium lights?

Rosy Barbs like a dynamic day / night cycle, therefore turning lights on for 24 hours is not required. You can setup a day / night cycle by turning lights on & off with the help of a timer.


Do Rosy Barbs need an air pump & air stone?

Rosy Barbs are sensitive to lower oxygen levels in water hence an air pump & air stone is recommended for them. If you have a filter then the outflow of the filter will cause surface agitation that will expel CO2 from the water & add oxygen. It is possible to create turbulence in the water using a filter.

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