What are the benefits of beneficial bacteria in aquarium bio filter?

Fish & other aquarium inhabitants make poops after digestion of the diet. The main waste product is ammonia. Ammonia is highly toxic to the aquarium inhabitants even in small amounts. This is the reason why we need to save fish from ammonia as soon as possible.

Why are beneficial bacteria so important for bio filtration?
Benefits of beneficial bacteria in aquarium bio filter

Luckily, nature has a solution for getting rid of ammonia via nitrogen cycle. During this process, ammonia is broken down into less toxic form, nitrites. Nitrites are further broken down into nitrates. Nitrates are not as toxic to fish as nitrites. Fish can live with nitrates in the water. Higher levels of nitrates are still toxic for fish. We can get rid of nitrates with weekly water changes. Otherwise, we can use anaerobic bacteria to wipe out nitrates. Anaerobic bacteria live in places where oxygen is not present. For its survival, we need micro porous biological media. The structure of this type of bio media stops penetration of oxygen inside the media.

What are beneficial bacteria and where are they found in aquariums?

Have you experienced slippery film inside aquariums especially on the glass, decorations or filter when cleaning them? This friendly bacteria wipes out ammonia by-products.

During the cleaning process, heaps of good bacteria are wiped out & disturbed. The flat surfaces do not usually allow numerous amounts of good bacteria to flourish. This is the reason why biological media is designed to offer heaps of surface area for the colonization of beneficial bacteria.


Where to keep bio media in aquariums?

The work of bio media can be maximized by adding them to the filter. Inside the filter, water from the aquarium is frequently circulated over the bio media & good bacteria. This offers good bacteria a simple access to consume all ammonia & nitrites.



Aquarium bio media offers space for the colonization of beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria helps wipe out fish waste via nitrogen cycle. During this cycle, ammonia is broken down into nitrates. Nitrates are still harmful for fish. Anaerobic bacteria wipes out nitrates. Anaerobic bacteria are present in oxygen free places such as inside the structure of bio media.

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