How to Setup a Peaceful Community Aquarium for Territorial, Aggressive and Bully Fish?

Fish feed on anything that can enter its mouth. Keeping large & small fish in the same fish tank increases chances that small species would be eaten up by their big mates. Large aggressive fish usually fight with other fish, & mostly they are territorial which means they guard their territory & fight against any fish that enters their area. Chances are that peaceful fish can live peacefully in aquariums containing large aggressive / territorial fish if there is enough room for the small fish to escape from their big aggressive mates. Also, if there are lots of plants in the fish tank, then small fish can hide from their large aggressive mates. It is mandatory to setup a community aquarium that can provide a peaceful home for territorial / aggressive fish & small fish.

Setup a Fish Tank for Aggressive, Territorial & Bully Fish
Setup a Fish Tank for Aggressive, Territorial & Bully Fish

Setup a Peaceful Community Aquarium for Territorial, Aggressive and Bully Fish:

If fish can’t see each other, then they do not fight. Territorial fish guard their territory, & they only fight against other fish that try to enter their territory otherwise they are not interested in fighting. If you have an abundance of plants, decorations, rocks etc. in the fish tank, then it gives relief to small peaceful fish because they can hide from the large aggressive fish. Add many rocks & driftwoods to allow territorial fish to form their own territories along with plants & other ornaments to break up the line of sight. If there is enough space in the aquarium, then fish can live peacefully & they usually fight when they are crowded. Large aquariums give more space for small fish to run away from the large ones. Also, small fish can freely swim if there is enough space in the aquarium. If you are keeping aggressive / territorial fish with peaceful fish, then make sure that you choose a large aquarium.

If you are adding a new territorial fish, then introduce a few rocks, caves or rearrange the decorations to end up the territories formed by established fish.

Male fish are normally more territorial & aggressive especially when they are mating. Please do not add more than a single male of the cichlid family or any other territorial species, when females are present.

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